While deciphering my ikigai - I began pondering on what I want to become, and this is what I ended up with
I want to become an astronaut, to be to a place where no man has been before.
I want to become an author, so my writing doesn't just stay on paper but in minds too
I want to become a dancer, so I can be everything I want to in one life-time
I want to become a dentist, so children don't undergo the pain I did
I want to become a scientist, so I discover something in the place where man thinks he knows all
I want to become a trekker, to explore the amusing places on earth
I want to become an entrepreneur, to manage my life the way I want it to be
I want to become a social activist, so I can talk about the actual problems stopping us from development.
Once I began deciding what I do in a day, I realized I've only gotten 24hrs in a day. Out of which I end up sleep for 7-8hrs, its unavoidable (my mom says I need more sleep). Now I've gotten only 16hrs left. After all, the unlisted chores, self-care I have a maximum of 14hrs left. If I plan my day jam packed, putting away all the distractions, 2hrs seem to slip off. Just in resisting my goals, my thoughts, my ambitions, my inabilities and my present. In those 12hrs my ambitious plans must fit in. Understanding that - Just like I can't fit everything in one day, I can't fit everything in one life-time! In this search I read a speech written by Dr.Martin Luther King.
What caught my attention the most was -
If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontine Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can’t be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. Be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.
and then realized in my life's blue print all I want to plan, all I want to draw
is that I want to make an impact. Whatever I do I want the world to understand I'm unique, incomparable and simply unbelievable. And to make that difference I will be human and stay human till the very end.
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