Recently, a very life changing event took place. It changed the perspective I had to many aspects of life. Each day when I wake up with the excitement of a new sunrise, When I wake up with the gratefulness of another chance to prove myself and accept myself. I am certain of what will happen the next moment. I've planned the next move the second before Yet I am anxious of the future, unable to experience the present. What happens to the 'Plan' if there is an unexpected event? I started to feel broken I started looking for excuses to assure myself that I'm not wasting my time. I think I am feeling this way only because nothing has happened to me, nothing big enough for me to even understand the pain. I'm just affected by what has happened to my mother. It not only affects me as I am to take over the various responsibilities in the house but on an emotional level, its simple hard to process truth. She has gotten hurt and we have 100% grantee and hope that she will ...