Moon day is celebrated on July 20 marking the day in history when man landed on the moon for the first time. It was on July 20, 1969,when Apollo 11 carried two Astronauts to the surface of the moon.
As the sphere in shades of grey rises in the night sky ,
My mind begins wandering into the world of ambitions
The phases of moon looks like a pictorial representation of the phases of our life
The waxing and waning - from the full moon to the new moon
The knowledge and experiences gathered from incidents that didn't particularly go the way you expected it to,
the success and motivation acquired from turning points in life
During the lunar eclipse the acquired red shade tells us that when your colours change the entire world admires you greatly
Its uneven rocky surface marks that
it is impossible to be perfect if your the light in the path you are making!!
- Bharathi Senthilkumar
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