One of the newest passions I've unlocked just after the completion of my home-schooling journey was Master of ceremony.
It has given me numerous event management skills and shed light of the hidden responsibilities of holding the mike.
From preparing a script after understanding the schedule to delivering the needed instructions on spot I've gather a bag full of knowledge. It is a great shift from being a member in the large audience to being the member who steers the event.
Just a year ago my voice was shivery unsure if the listener understands. My confidence was was so under the blanket that people asked to repeat every word I uttered. With these qualities I'm quite surprised to realise that holding the Mike has bought great strength and not any fear.
It wasn't something that came to me naturally. At the beginning it was just one of the many new things I tried. I never imagined I would do it again. Continuing to mc for various events at college was really out of my thinking span.
I remember what I did when I was given my first script quite to well. It was around 2 pages with a 1 days schedule. But I finished reading it within 5 mins. Just like reading aloud, I'd thought.
We lots of practice and patience I understood it's not about reading it's about conveying information to people so they understand it the next moment.
MoC is also not only about reading instructions but to keep an eye on the stage and ensure the show runs smoothly. The dignitaries must receive their due respect and the gratitude must be showered at each person involved in the program on stage or off stage momentarily.
I've still not become very good at the art of mc. But I've gained lots of knowledge from it not only about mc but how to talk and be in general.
Very often the responsibility comes with a lot of tension and stress but it can't be transported into the voice so striking a balance has been the key.
I sincerely thank all the faculty who persistently motivated me to take up the role and believed in my capabilities!
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